石巻アーカイブ 石巻の昔と今の記録集


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  • 2024まちなか写真展



~About the Butler Collection~

In 1951, Captain George Butler, a US Army doctor, was assigned to the Camp Matsushima (now the Matsushima Air Base of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force). His battalion of the California National Guard was training for the Korean War.

The doctor, whose hobby was photography, would leave the base whenever he had time and explore the region taking pictures of the surrounding towns, scenery, and people. The film he used was a Kodachrome 35mm color slide film that he bought at the camp. Color film and processing was rare in Japan at that time. Later the doctor was deployed to the Korean War, where he was injured and returned to the US via a hospital in Osaka.

Sixty years later, on March 11, 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred. Shocking footage was broadcast on the news around the world. Alan Butler, the eldest son of George Butler, saw the news in California, USA. He remembered that the film his father had left behind, which had been lying dormant in the garage for a long time, had names of disaster-stricken areas such as “Matsushima,” “Ishinomaki,” “Yamoto,” and “Onagawa,” and dug through the film. The 35mm film was remarkably well preserved after sixty years. Alan digitized the slides and in 2013, he launched a website called “www.Miyagi1951” to display the photos his father had left behind. He shared the website with the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University, who recommended that the original film be archived at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard.

The local newspaper “Ishinomaki Kahoku” also ran a series of articles called “Reviving 1951” with commentary by local historian Seiji Henmi. The series was well received and resulted in a number of people in the photographs being identified. The series ended in April of 2023 with the 275th installment.



~Why was color film from 1951 so rare in Japan?~

At the time, color film was sent to Kodak, the manufacturer, for development, and then returned after development. Kodachrome film cost 800 yen per roll, including development costs, at a time when a bowl of soba noodles cost 30 yen. In Japan, it took about two months for the exposed film to be sent to the United States and returned after development. Captain Butler is thought to have sent the film back to his home in California, as he was heading to Korea. His son, Alan Butler, was very involved in bringing it back to life after 2011. Ironically, it can be said that it was the unprecedented disaster of the Great East Japan Earthquake that brought these precious photographs to the attention of the world. Current exhibits and publication are doing a great service to make these precious photographs more widely available.

They are a rare glimpse into the culture and people of northern Japan before the middle of the twentieth century.


事業名 1951・まちなか写真展(回遊型)
事業概要 1951年の石巻地方の貴重な生活文化・風景を貴重なカラーフィルムで残してくれたバトラーコレクション(詳細は別紙参照)。その貴重な写真を、効果的に多くの市民・来訪者に観覧しながら市街地の回遊性を高め、地域に貢献する。当時の場所または近い位置にある店舗や施設(約26箇所)に1951年の写真と現在の写真、そして解説を加えた写真パネル(A1サイズ)を展示する。現在の風景を目の前にしながら、73年前の風景を偲び、また震災で大きく変貌を遂げた街並みも感じながら、古き良き街並みや当時の生活を思い出してもらう。また、人とアーカイブの「交差点」(中央一・旧ホシノボックスピア)で同時共催の「73年前の石巻&宮城」写真展との相乗効果を図り、より高い回遊性を狙う。
  1. 地域の歴史的・文化的財産であるバトラーコレクションの価値と貴重性をより認知を高める。
  2. 市内中心部の回遊性を高め、経済・文化的側面から地域振興に貢献する。
  • (実施内容) 写真パネル(A1サイズ)を当時の場所または近い位置にある店舗や施設(約26箇所)に展示する。
  • (対象者) 石巻市民、市外からの来訪者
  • (事業実施日) 令和6年6月22日頃〜令和7年1月14日(予定)
  • (周知方法) 新聞各紙、テレビ各局、ラジオ各局への取材依頼。当NPOのホームページ、SNS等
  • 主催:特定非営利活動法人石巻アーカイブ
  • 協力:アラン・M・バトラー氏、(株)三陸河北新報社
  • 協賛:(株)街づくりまんぼう、(一社)石巻観光協会、アイトピア大町会、中央銀座会
  • 後援:石巻市、(株)三陸河北新報社(石巻かほく)、(株)石巻日日新聞社、ラジオ石巻
  1. バトラーコレクションとは
  2. 展示パネルデザイン
  3. 展示店舗・施設
問い合わせ 特定非営利活動法人 石巻アーカイブ
代表理事 小野寺 豊(090-3753-5295)

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